
How to survive being typeset

Typesetting is the process of taking the text from a copy-edited manuscript and putting it into the internal designs of the book. Once the cover design is decided, a designer (not always the same one) will then create the internal design of the book, using many of the...

The vanity of writing

Have you ever found yourself dreaming of becoming famous? Have you imagined yourself on that breakfast TV couch being interviewed about your book – the phone ringing off the hook with calls from journalists wanting to speak to you? And hundreds of copies of your book...

London Book Fair 2017

As many other publishers, we entered London Book Fair in the hopes of making new connections with other publishers – other people. That is exactly what we achieved! In the three days we attended the fair, we were able to not only meet up with people and...

The cost of publishing

£10,000? £9.99? Incalculable? What is the formula? Like most endeavours that involve the investment of money and time and result in mixed returns, there will always be talk of cost. Publishing is no exception. In a cash-strapped, post-truth, housing slump coupled with...

We’ve had a great 2016!

We have gone through an amazing 2016. Besides the external situations of the world, SRA has grown with the arrival of fantastic new team members: Bella, Chris and Melissa, who bring with them outstanding expertise and experience. As well as many great new titles, this...

How to survive being copy edited

For those of you who are familiar with the publishing process, you will know that copy editing is the first step in production. It has also been called ‘line editing’ because of the detailed nature of this stage. Much like the editor, the copy editor must know what...

Our Authority Guides on show

  It’s been quite a challenge for the team to get seven books out this year for our new series, The Authority Guides, and I have to say it was quite a proud moment when I got to Frankfurt to present them. Frankfurt was everything I had been led to expect...